Who I Am

Who am I?

What does it matter, really?

I'm somebody. I may not be somebody to you because we might be strangers, and have never met. You might not consider strangers to be somebodys. But the funny thing is, that makes me a somebody because you have given me a place in your life as a stranger. The best part about this is that it is better to know what you are, rather than what you're not. And I most certainly am not a nobody.

I like writing. So now I'm going to write a story or two on this blog. Stories that are probably just rants about life. I'm writing the story because I need to, for me. But if you end up reading a part of this story too, and maybe enjoy it a teensy bit, then I can only see this as an added benefit.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pause, Please

I just sometimes feel as though I could never actually stop. As in, if I decided that I was going to stop it all, just for a second - put my life on pause - I couldn't. And that's when I feel tired. Tired as though I could never possibly have enough sleep. Tired as though no matter what I do, there will always be more to do. I've definitely reached a new record for overburdening myself. It pretty much sucks.

I love what I'm doing. Generally, I love life. But right now it just feels like this crazy rollercoaster of emotion and things and stress. No one loves that. It's exhausting.

So. Where's the remote control for life?

I don't even need the whole thing, really. All I need is the pause button so I can rearrange my affairs to a way that works for me, have a long nap, and press play feeling ready to go.

It's quite unfortunate that I can't actually manage to say any of these words out loud to a human being. Instead I choose to write meaningless words and send them into cyberspace, so that some consequential person will come along and read them and not really care. Why am I even blogging? The age of the Journal sure was a lot easier...and honest.

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